The past three years of designing and producing Insurgent: Algeria has led to lots of cool moments, like:
finding out I’d get paid to make it for an entire summer;
hanging out with the Cat Games team at Origins;
finding out that a complete stranger took the time to produce a YouTube playthrough of my prototype;
being interviewed (!) by Fred Serval about the history behind the game and my design process; and
placing third in the 2022 BGG Wargame Design Contest out of 16 entries.
Now there’s another to add to the list: the game is available for purchase! I’ve heard of several people who have received their pre-ordered copies as well. It’s great to see it finally get into the hands of gamers, history buffs, friends, and family. There’s still plenty of time to gift a copy to someone in your life this holiday season!
Thank you to everyone who’s supported me on this project, from reading and commenting on this newsletter, to playtesting the game, to publishing it and buying it. If there’s anything I’ve learned about game design over these three years, it’s that you can’t do it alone.
Hopefully this will be the first of many published games I get to tell you about. I’ve got several ideas brewing for the coming months and years, though it is admittedly harder to find time for design when it’s not your day job (which is why I’m so grateful in retrospect for the time I got to work on Insurgent).
I’d love to hear, if you’ve received your copy, how you’re enjoying it. I’m also happy to answer any questions about rules, history or otherwise in the comments.
Happy gaming,
Thanks. Counters are just very tiny, thick cards just as cards are big thin counters.
Are there any differences between this published version and the advance copy you sent me some time ago?
Catastrophe Games is doing some nice stuff, I have something in the pot with them too.